Paint repair Model S

A touch up pen for the Tesla Model S is a fantastic tool to quickly, easily, and affordably fix minor damages, scratches, scrapes, stone chips, and the like. There's nothing more irritating than when your beautiful Tesla Model S gets an unfortunate scratch or scrape. And it's even more frustrating when you hear what your local car workshop would charge to repair it. However, with a touch up pen for the Tesla Model S from Touch Up Tesla, you can handle the repair yourself without compromising on the result!

Why You Should Use a Paint Pen for Your Tesla Model S

If an accident occurs, and your Tesla Model S has acquired a scratch or scrape, help is available with a paint pen from Touch Up Tesla. A touch up pen is a tool that allows you to repair minor damages on your car, such as scratches, scrapes, or stone chips. Our paint pen for the Tesla Model S is easy and quick to use – and it's also affordable. There are, however, other advantages to using a paint pen:

- Doesn't require specialized equipment: If you're someone who likes to handle things yourself, a paint pen is an ideal tool to have in your arsenal. A paint pen is easy to use and doesn't require advanced skills or special tools. When you buy a paint pen from us, the kit contains everything you need. Of course, there's a user manual included that explains exactly what to do.

- Avoid further damage: If you've incurred a scratch, it's important to repair it so that the damage doesn't worsen. Moisture getting into the scratch can lead to rust formation. With a paint pen, you can quickly and easily fix the damage as soon as you notice it. You don't need to book time at a workshop.

Paint Pens for Tesla Model S Can Also Be Used for Deep Scratches

It's fair to mention that paint pens naturally have certain limitations. There will be scratches, for example, that are so deep that a paint pen can't handle the task, and where it's necessary to paint, polish, or lacquer the car. However, the paint pen can work really well as a small "quick fix" until you have the opportunity to have a professional perform the paint repair. In the meantime, the paint pen provides good temporary protection for your Tesla Model S.


How to Avoid Scratches and Scrapes on Your Car

It would be ideal if you could completely avoid getting scratches, scrapes, and stone chips on your car, but that's probably a utopian thought. A car is a utilitarian object and will inevitably show signs of use over time. However, there are some things you can do to minimize the risk of damage.

Many scratches, scrapes, and dents occur in parking lots. It's no coincidence that small dents are called "supermarket dents." If you want to minimize the risk of getting scratches, scrapes, and dents, so you don't have to use your paint pen for your Tesla Model S too often, you can be a bit careful when choosing your parking spot. Avoid parking too close to other cars and narrow roads with high traffic.

Many scratches also occur in car washes, hence the name "car wash scratches." If you want to avoid these, you can hand wash the car. However, it's very important to use microfiber cloths, as regular cleaning cloths can actually scratch the car's paint.

We're not saying that by following these tips, you'll completely avoid scratches and scrapes, but you might be able to minimize the amount and frequency, so your Tesla Model S paint pen lasts a bit longer.